This show you how to connect Arduino to Robotic Arm.I used 5 MG995 servo.MG995 servo can turn the angle from 0 -180 degree.Each Servo has 3 signal .VCC/GND/SIG.
VCC :+ power 5V or 6V
GND:Power ground
SIG: controled signal.
來介紹一下之前做的機械手臂的接線方式,底下<圖一>是Tower pro Mg995的伺服馬達,轉動範圍可以0-180度 之間轉動,扭力號稱最大有13Kg,總共有三隻接腳 ,<正極> <負極> 及一<訊號腳> ,正負極接上電源後,只需控制 訊號腳 即可決定 轉動的角度 0-180度.
You can Download the Robotic Arm Elements from below website.
Robotic Arm 3DP elements
See the Demo Film
<Picture 1> The MG995 servo

<圖2> 這是書上只接一顆馬達的線路圖範例,將伺服馬達 <訊號腳> 接到 arduino 板子的D2 數位輸出腳,藉由程式控制這根訊號輸出來 控制馬達的轉動角度.
接多顆馬達時一樣正負極接電源訊號腳則依序接D3,D4,D5,D6.,於是共5顆馬達分別由控制 D2 (伺服馬達1)/D3 (伺服馬達2) D4 (伺服馬達3)/D5 (伺服馬達4))/D6 (伺服馬達5)輸出訊號即可決定各伺服馬達的轉動角度.
<picture 2> The picture show how to connect the servo to Arduino controller.I connected arduino digital D2 pin to servo 1 SIG. then D3 pin to servo 2 SIG...etc.
D2 be connected Servo 1 SIG pin.
D3 be connected Servo 2 SIG pin.
D4 be connected Servo 3 SIG pin.
D5 be connected Servo 4 SIG pin.
D6 be connected Servo 5 SIG pin
then just control the D2-D6 PWM signal then we cn control the Servo working angle.

<圖3>這是實際的接線方式,電源正極順便也接到arduino 板的Vin順便也提供電源給arduino nano.在5V~12V之間arduino 控制板都可以正常工作.
<Picture 3> You can reference below picture to check how to connect the Servo signal & power supply from Arduino controller.I builded a power switch ,it is a option.
<圖4, 5> 這是伺服馬達接到arduino nano的轉接接線圖,可以看到只要用像下面這種杜邦接線,連焊接都不用就可以直接接線.,
<Picture 4> Prolong the line from Arduino to SERVO.Usually, On Servo site, the Red line is VCC pin And Dark color line is for GND and the Orignal or yellow line is for SIG.

<Picture 6> Full line connecting.
<Picture 7> I used 2 18650 Lion battery as power supply.It's highest voltage can be 8.4V.
Bassically it can work well,IF you worry the voltage is too high ,you can use one more Voltage downgrade module or just use 4 generic number 3 one time battery.