2016年1月10日 星期日

Using Android Mobile Phone to control House's Lamp (使用Android手機控制家用電燈)

I Put 2 Servo SG90 into this box and use android Mobile Phone to control House's Lamp
Thru Arduino+BT without any relay.You don't need to change your house original circuit
just plug in this box  original Lamp Switch.This box is for 2 Power Switch .and I used the
 generic mobile Phone USB changer as power source.

You 3DP STL file downlaod from below website:

Download Arduino source code:

Download Android APK:

Material prepare:

1.Arduino nano  x1
2.HC-05 Bluetooth module    x1
3.SG 90 SERVO x2
4.5V power source or battery

Circuit connecting Steps:

1.Connected Both of Servo SG 90 VCC pin to Arduino nano <VIN>.
2.Connected Both of Servo SG 90 GND pin to Arduino Nano<GND>
3.Connected Servo 1 Siganl pin to Arduino D4 pin
4.Connected Servo 2 Siganl pin to Arduino D5 pin
5.Connected Hc-05 BT module VCC pin to Arduino <5V+> not <VIN>
6.Connected HC-05 BT module GND pin to Arduino <GND> pin.
7.Connected HC-05 BT module  TX pin to Arduino D2 pin
8.Connected HC-05 BT module  RX pin to Arduino D3 pin

Install  Android APK(BT_Lamp.apk) in mobile phone.