Although I already tried to made all screw hole on this Robotic Arm.but sometimes I got the new ideas and do some modification. so It is better to prepare the Electrical screw tool,sometimes need to make some screw holes.and please also prepare the glue for plastic material .
Download the Robotic_Arm 3DP Components from the website:
Well, just reference below pictures to build the Robotic arm.
<picture 1>.It is better to fixed the Robotic Arm_base on the wood platform.or you can fixed it on where you want.
<picture 2>
<picture 3>Put on the servo 1.
<picture 4> Here need the Glue to fixed it.Before glue it you need to check the servo 2 position firstly.see the <picture 5-1>.
<picture 4-1>

<picture 5-1>
<picture 5-2>
<picture 5-3>

<picture 6-1>
<picture 6-2>
<picture 7>
<picture 7-1>
<picture 7-2>
<picture 7-3>
<picture 8-1>
<picture 8-2>
<picture 8-3>
<picture 8-4>
<picture 8-5>
<picture 8-6>
<picture 8-7>
<picture 8-8>
<picture 9-1>
<picture 9-2>
<picture 9-3>
<picture 10>Compeleted!
See the Demo films.
also see how to connect the Arduino controller with this Robotic Arm.
<Picture 11> update Spring_oillar.stl to replace original pillar.It can reduce the friction when it is rolling.